wtorek, 30 września 2008

"Adamu" through Zingdad:planetary first contact

Are you excited about the 10-14-08 coming? Watch what to expect and how to prepare yourself to be really ready for the Big Day coming. "Adamu" continues to speak, through the channel, Zingdad about planetary first contact and the timeline in Earth's future where a large and beautiful lightship shall be visible in our skies this year, 2008, potentially in mid-october.

10-14-08 - Galactic Federation Predicts Fall of Illuminati

The Galactic Federation of Light predicts fall of Illuminati! Must watch!

Blossom Goodchild clarifies October 14th

Blossom Goodchild's Latest Channeling to the Federation of Light

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Blossom Goodchild's Latest Channeling to the Federation of Light

Below is the latest channeling from the Federation of Light to Blossom

Everything is so different for me now. I feel like someone shoved me in a washing machine, shoved in the powder, turned it on … and put it on permanent cycle!! I wish I could switch everything off just for a short while, but I know I cannot. Dearest friends, I assume you are
aware of all that is being said … good and not so good? So many different channels saying so many different things. I don’t need to ‘channell’ to say ‘Keep steadfast in THE TRUTH of your soul self AT ALL TIMES!! WE NEED TO REMEMBER THROUHOUT ALL OF THIS,
THAT THE ESSENSE OF THIS VISIT IS LOVE! Are you there? Many are hanging out for your next communication. No pressure you understand?????Hello …?

What could we say to you that would comfort your soul? You don’t need to say anything … just turn up on the 14th!

Blossom do not think that we are unaware of what is taking place for you at this time. We are aware of many many things that you are not and we are asking that you continue to be just the same as you always have been. Full of Laughter and Light. Do not allow darker senses to
drag you down. They above all, need the Light that you and others are prepared to shine. It is of much importance in these days that one remains in their TRUTRH. You may feel we are repeating ourselves. We are only contemplating the possibilities of what could happen if one
allows the untruths of those who have ill intent to penetrate into the energy fields of those who wish us well.


It is for your souls to remember who you are and why you have come. So many of you are listening to your soul’s quest and urging the TRUTH within to reveal itself. “FEEL” the TRUTH. As we have said, there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that can take YOUR TRUTH away from you. DO NOT BE CONVINCED OTHERWISE. Send much LOVE to those who are
lost and in the dark.


Circumstances prevented me from continuing yesterday. It would be great to have a good session with you today. I feel in need of it. Just you and me!!!! Yeah right! There are SO many channels saying SO many things … I am not knocking them I just trying to remember how this all began and indeed where I last left my potty!!!Oh how joyous to make a joke. Let’s BRING on that LAUGHTER. It Lightens the load!

We are indeed present with you at this moment and many others that you are perhaps not aware of. We are of the understanding that you feel a little overloaded.


With all that is taking place. You have done exactly what we asked of you to do. You have gone far beyond that which was requested of you and we are in joy of how you are remaining in YOUR TRUTH. It is sad for the soul is it not dearest one, when those who feel they know of
‘GOD’ are far from knowing. They live in fear and doubt of their God and indeed themselves. We wish to ‘debunk’ (?) these notions for humanity. We desire to bring to your kind a new way of thinking. Only the soul self can allow the TRUTH to unfold. It is by giving THE SELF
permission, that keys to many doors are presented. We can not open these doors for an individual. We can only encourage and support. For as you know dear Blossom the journey of the soul … its awakening … cannot be tampered with by another. That is why you are learning at a
rapid pace, more so than ever before, to stand in the strength of what YOU TRUST as YOUR INNER KNOWING. That is what we ask each one of you to do. That is the wisest information we are able to offer you. In these forthcoming days much untruth will be selected and inforced.


If it feels right … go with it. If you feel ill at ease … then send it away with LOVE. All things that are not currently agreeable to your system … send away with LOVE. Do not judge it. Do not question yourself. FEEL YOUR TRUTH. We are aware that we continue on in the
same vein. This is because it is of much importance. Many other channels are giving out information regarding numbers of ships etc. You note we do not. We … The Federation ... who have chosen you Blossom to get the message out in this way remain steadfast in what we
have announced. We ask you to do the same.

I am trying, Truly I am . But one can get swept away with all that is being said about the event. The biggest concern for me being that other channels are saying it may not be possible on the 14th , but it will be happening soon/now/ up until feb09/ by the end of Oct? Etc,
etc. At the end of the day it will be what it will be and nothing and no-one can change that. I get that. But would you say then … OK… deep breathe… cos you know how I shrivel in anticipation when asking questions … that you are going to appear on the 14th OCT?


And do you know what … I believe you! THERE I”VE SAID IT!! YEEHA! I’m getting there … slowly but surely. I do question why you chose me though. I’m not exactly one of Gods most intelligent beings. I can’t retain information very well. A mind like a sieve. Then I decided … I
KNOW WHAT I KNOW. And I KNOW WHAT LOVE FEELS LIKE. And … the rest?... well, that’s an individuals choice to feed the mind. That’s cool. Yet I find, in order to feed my mind … I must first of all make sure my soul has had breakfast! Phew… I can feel a bit of the Blossom I used

There is little time left now until the ‘BIG AWAKENING’. As excitement builds in all worlds let us remain uplifted. Let us remember why this is taking place. Let us send out PEACE to your planet and to every living thing that is involved in this CHANGE.






Dear souls, who co join in THIS GREAT DIVINE PLAN, that shall allow freedom of self once again ... We say to you ...


In all humility, and I know I speak for many … THANK YOU!

środa, 17 września 2008

First UFO contact on 14 October 2008

In less than a month on 14 Oct 2008 the UFO of Federation of Light will appear over the Earth to show there are other civilizations out there in the Universe. Blossom Goodchild who's Australian channeler has been in contact with entity called "Federation of Light" for many years. Watch what he's been told and what he's got to say. The date of 14 October 2008 has been recieved and confirmed by over 40 channelers!

14 OCT 2008 - Federation of Light UFO

The announcement channelled by Blossom Goodchild.

The announcement channelled by Blossom Goodchild and confirmed by more than 40 of other channellers.

wtorek, 16 września 2008

Channelled message of Ag-agria

Ag-agria 01-September-2008

For those of you who are abreast with the news of what is happening in the world, it is no surprise to find that it’s collapse is far reaching. However, what is becoming apparent, is the powerful energy generated by the people who are seeking changes that will move them onto a new level of being. The old ways are suddenly being seen as inadequate and unfulfilling, and unable to deliver what people desire. There is tiredness amongst you from being repeatedly embroiled in issues of war and confrontation. It is no longer acceptable, and your patience with your authorities is running out. You have realised that life should provide you with much satisfaction and would do so, as long as you were not having to consistently fight for acknowledgment of your entitlement to a happy and joyful life.

There is a sense of impending change even with those who are not spiritually aware, and as the new higher energies continue to reach the Earth so it will become more apparent. A stirring is taking place all over the world, and there are powerful movements forming that are determined to remove corrupt and dictatorial governments. For a long time we have told you that the truth is coming out, and today you see this to be true. The arrogance of those who thought they had covered up their crimes and would never be discovered, has changed to one of near panic as they see the walls of truth is approaching them from all sides. There is no escape and as much as they try to stem it, the truth continues to haunt them because of their dastardly deeds. Whilst it is true that they have little in the way of regret and their consciousness is awash with denial, they can still have an awakening Light within. They dare not face it, and will unsuccessfully try to avoid answering to themselves for their crimes against Humanity.

Not a single soul can get away can get away with harming another one, without knowing exactly how that soul felt and the effect on their lives. How else will you learn to accept the right of another soul to live in peace, and in a manner chosen by them as part of their life experiences? You have laws and not always ones that are fair and just, but within your society it is the only means of exerting some measure of Law and Order. In the future when you have turned totally to the Light, you will live in absolute harmony and peace with all life. You will then be subject to Universal Law, and to live otherwise would be quite beyond your thinking or actions.

Some Dear Ones already endeavour to live up to the higher ways of living, and do so quite successfully. It is in the recognition that All Is One that such steps can be taken, and you radiate your Light and Love wherever you are. Jesus was one such soul who cherished and loved every other soul, and he walked the Earth as an exemplary example in that he could do so even when faced by those who would take his life. You too are destined to become Masters, and the path is not as difficult as you would imagine, and will become progressively easier as the higher vibrations become grounded upon Earth.

Those of pure Light could not exist on Earth, but as you raise your vibrations so you are helping lift up those around. You have to keep your feet on the ground, as you cannot hide away, or indeed would you need to. Others who desire to uplift themselves need your support and guidance, and you must of necessity be amongst them. By your example you too can help many souls without even being aware of it, and it is a matter of walking and talking in the Light and Love that you have discovered. Being at ease when others are worried and in despair helps calm situations, and a kind word or gesture such as a smile can work wonders. The Earth and duality are not your natural home and are far from it, you came from the higher realms and intentionally left your true identity behind. You became separated from your essence for the purpose of experience and your evolution. Now you are lifting up and you are returning to your higher state of being.

The Earth has been your home for a long, long time and you have come to love it. Fortunately Mother Earth is ascending with you, and will again show her true beauty and magnificence as she returns to her pristine condition. Your destiny is absolutely guaranteed and nothing can stop your Ascension. You will understand why regardless of what is yet to happen on Earth, it is not going to prevent the outworking of all that has been planned for you. Go with the flow and adjust as necessary, because you do not have much longer before you will be part of the changes that are so eagerly sought. Allow the old to crumble into disuse as it has served its purpose now, and let those who still cling to it create their own pathway through their freewill choice.

Your hopes have been raised by the announcement of the 14th October sighting. It has caused a ripple of excitement and anticipation that has gone far afield. It is testing many people’s beliefs, but is necessary to bring forward the day when our presence will be officially recognised. The sighting will be an acknowledgement to the many Dear Ones who are ready to welcome us to Earth. A show of peaceful intent, and proof that we are benign and have no desires to enslave you as some think. It will not be the last time that such a demonstration of our presence will be made. It is the start of our plans to speed up events that will be the preliminaries to the greater show that will involve flyovers all around your world. First Contact as such will follow when we shall come and meet you on your Earth, and speedily proceed by attending to the priorities that exist. We talk first of helping the impoverished nations and overcoming starvation, thirst, the need for medical attention, safety against invasion and other natural elements.

I am Ag-agria from Sirius, and on behalf of the Galactic Federation can tell you that we have never been more adequately prepared for the tasks ahead. We have vast resources, and personnel totally aware of their responsibilities to you and the Hierarchy who stand behind them. It is no small task, yet it will be handled extremely efficiently and with minimum inconvenience to you. Simply trust us and know we have your best interest at heart. We come in love and the utmost concern for your wellbeing and welfare.

Thank you Ag-agria.

Mike Quinsey.

How to make this a reality? It's all up to us!

It is all up to us if our galactic neighbours will show up. That is our job to make it happen. If we want it and say it truly in our hearts it will definitely happen.